Tuesday, February 27, 2007
A Little Less Conversation
"Awww, why can't we all just get along?"
Currently the husband is stationed in Bar Harbor, Maine. They just missed the snow storm that's been sweeping past the east coast. He's working in a quiet town next to a nature reserve with real wild bears and stuff. He's getting fat and bored.
Our daily online conversations are deep, meaningful and intimate.
Man, I can feel my EQ rising just reading this stuff.
This is pure Cat Soup for the Soul.
[21:42:37] J**** F****** says: I is okay...no more snow here...weather says maybe jut light snow showers for us. yes of course i miss you
[21:42:44] J**** F****** says: lots and lots
[21:42:47] CatDonna says: really miss me
[21:43:05] CatDonna says: hmmm?
[21:43:33] J**** F****** says: ?
[21:43:48] CatDonna says: heheheheee
[21:44:27] J**** F****** says: what you laughing for? i simple boy i not know
[21:44:39] CatDonna says: i want PEPPY
[21:45:05] J**** F****** says: we cannot have I am afraid
[21:45:11] CatDonna says: bah!
[21:45:16] CatDonna says: then u is not miss me enough
[21:47:02] J**** F****** says: that is not true....the 7 kittens will tell you how much I miss you
[21:47:44] CatDonna says: blah!
[21:47:48] CatDonna says: u go for ur training then
[21:47:51] CatDonna says: go away!
[21:47:57] CatDonna says: to think i was so worried i wanted to go over
[21:48:04] CatDonna says: i was gonna fight the bear for u
[21:48:13] J**** F****** says: ;(
[21:48:44] CatDonna says: was gonna patch ur head up after u broke it falling down the snowy hill... like jack and jill
[21:49:09] J**** F****** says: so now you will leave me to bleed to death
[21:49:33] CatDonna says: was gonna cook nice simple healthy food for you, save u from nasty maple syrup cheddar cheese croissants
[21:49:48] CatDonna says: you can GO AND FIGHT THE BEAR YOURSELF
[21:49:54] CatDonna says: PATCH UP YOUR OWN HEAD
[22:03:06] J**** F****** says: love you lots
[22:03:15] CatDonna says: (puke)
[22:03:17] J**** F****** says: and lots...remember i is a shy boy
[22:03:28] CatDonna says: eh how is that relevant
[22:03:28] J**** F****** says: (hug)
[22:03:38] J**** F****** says: well in your blogger
[22:03:44] CatDonna says: hahahahaa tough
[22:03:57] J**** F****** says: (sweat)
[22:04:13] CatDonna says: byeeeeeeeeee
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Trouble with Cats
I like the look on Teddy's face
Click on the pic above for a larger/clearer version.
Lucie (right) looks hilariously chilled out.
First, a kitty horror video:
If any of my cats did that to me I would have a heart attack, I think.
There's this lovely little 3-month-old black boy cat, with a bunny tail and a tiny white spot on his chest, who's up for adoption at my vet's.
His name is Peppy and when you pick him up, he melts into your hands purring away. He's quite vocal too, likes to tell me all about his day.
I want I want I want.
But he's not vaccinated and my cats are a few months overdue on their booster shots ($300 if I send all seven and my income's dropped by two-thirds since I quit, so that's why).
I'm planning to send the monsters for their boosters soon, by March hopefully (a couple cheques will be in by then).
And then... and THEN... if it's meant to be.
(Just realised that the husband may be reading this, but ah well Mr CatDonna, you can't stop me now, and he's sooo cute.)
A friend of mine was thinking of me and decided to get me a present.
So he stole a newborn ginger kitten from a stray mother who'd whelped in his house, while she was out to look for food.
Then he called me and said, "Surprise!"
What ensued was a few hours of panic attacks and tension headaches for yours truly, in between frantic phone calls and "Put it back! Put it back where you found it RIGHT NOW!" and "Ohmigod is the mother back yet? What, no?!"
Fortunately the mother returned for her baby after three hours (and half an hour before I was to take a deep breath and resign myself to two months' neonatal kitty care aka MILK AND POOP TORTURE FOR ME once more).
With friends like mine, who needs enemies?
Irrelevant but I thought it was cute.
Lucie longs to be free as a tomato.
Greedy Pip's learnt her lesson now.
She stood by the kitchen counter stealing chicken broth while I heated some soup for my dinner.
I'd turned on the stove and she was right next to the flame, but with her head in the bowl, Pip couldn't care less - despite me shoving her butt away several times and yelling at her to scoot.
Then something happened with the stove... I dunno how, but for a moment the flame whooshed outwards a bit, instead of up...
Pip wasn't hurt but a bit frightened by the smell. Of burnt cat hair.
So there's a patch of frizzy browned fur along her right side now, which I'm sure she'll lick off soon enough.
I think she's embarrassed.
i don't wanna talk about it i'm covering my ears see nyah-nyah-NYAAAHHH!!!
But at least it's not as bad as the other time little Polly JUMPED UP THE STOVE while a flame was switched on. The whiskers on the left side of her face were singed and curled up for a month. It looked like a really bad perm.
To her credit, Polly never tried that stunt again.
Polly Pocket, Gangsta Midget: getting into everything (especially trouble) since 2005
And of course. Before I forget:
Love lots
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Some Valentine Randomness
"Her husband's t' Aleppo gone,
Master o' the Tiger,
But in a sieve I'll thither sail,
and like a rat without a tail,
I'll do, I'll do, and I'll do."
Yep, the husband is away and will be away for some months.
This is his last nap before boarding the plane to Bar Harbor, Maine, USA.
As usual, them kittens will be damned if they let him rest.
The Ginger Gardener surveys his work
For those of you who remember that at one point I was doing some gardening...
I cultivated tomato and basil.
And very nice too, if I may say so
It's hard work, gardening
Can you feel the love?
Boonie's trying very hard to relax, even crossing his front paws in studied nonchalance.
Pip is tense and murderous. She was actually growling when I took this picture.
Teddy really shouldn't leave the watering can lying around like this.
Lazy afternoon naps for all.
I took this of Polly yesterday but wasn't in time for an unofficial Toesday post.
More toes.
Boonie always looks like he's smiling, the dear boy.
Lounging in the laundry
Pip needs her rest in the day - snuggled in laundry, warm and fresh from the tumble dryer - so she can do stupid noisy things at night like sing songs, pick fights and break plates.
The work is going pretty slow right now.
Sorry for the silence here.
Sometimes the well runs dry, not just for the blog, but the creative projects I'm working on. Bleah.
But things should be looking up soon, I hope.
Back to work!
Oh and happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Love to all,
Love is never having to say "I'm sorry, but you have to move over or I'll fart in your face"