Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Brat Pack

Is she gone yet?

Duckie's trying to integrate into her new pack of two humans and seven cats.

So she started by humping Teddy.

Life's tough when you're an omega.

The shame, the shame


The humans are tired, the cats are stressed, only the dog is happy.

La la la! I'm so happy! La la la!
Wee on the carpet! Woo hoo hoo!!!

Off I go to prepare the adoption notices.


Sigh. Poor Teddy.
Tedddy is gorgeous!! haha i wanan adopt him!!! auntie tom
I don't think Duckie is happy becoz she has pee-ed on the carpet. She is happy becoz she has TLC nice food and human companionship.
cat_aunty: Well crazy Duckie's just happy all the time.

auntie tom: Teddy's a cutie isn't he? I wonder what Asher looks like. ;)
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